Performing Arts(local operas)

Performing Arts Department is the most comprehensive department at NACTA. It cultivates talents in dramatic and music performing of Kunqu opera and dozens of other local operas in Chinese theatre. In its undergraduate and graduate education, this department brings a focus to the three operas labeled as the Global Immaterial Cultural Heritage, i.e. Kunqu opera, Cantonese opera, and Tibetan opera, as well as the local operas labeled as the National Immaterial Cultural Heritage, such as Yu opera (primarily in Henan province), Jin opera (primarily in Shanxi province), Yue opera (primarily in Zhejiang province), Huangmeixi opera (primarily in Anhui province), Liyuanxi opera (primarily in Fujian province), Min oepra (primarily in Fujian and Taiwan provinces), Qinqiang opera (primarily in Shaanxi province), Chuan opera (primarily in Sichuan province), Qu opera in Beijing and Ji opera (primarily in Jinlin province) .

BA Program (4 years)

Performing (Dramatic Performing in Kunqu Opera)

Performing (Dramatic Performing in Local Operas in Chinese Theatre)

Performing ( Music Performing and Musicianship in Kunqu Opera)

Performing ( Music Performing and Musicianship in Local Operas in Chinese Theatre)

Performing ( Physical Training for Chinese Theatre Performing)

MA Program (Research Postgraduate)(3 years)

Theatre, Film and Television Study (Research on Dramatic Performing in Chinese Theatre)

Theatre, Film and Television Study (Research on Physical Training for Chinese Theatre Performing)

MA Program(Taught Postgraduate)(3 years)

Chinese Theatre Study (Dramatic Performing in Chinese Theatre)

Chinese Theatre Study (Physical Training for Chinese Theatre Performing)

Dancing Study (Dancing in Chinese Theatre)