Established in 1978, the Music Department offers programmes in Chinese Opera Composition, Music Production, Music Theory, Chinese Music and Musicianship, and Acoustic Design. Among these, Chinese Opera Composition is a flagship programme with notable achievements over the years. Faculty members have composed music for new Chinese opera productions and television dramas nationwide, accumulating hundreds of works. Many of these compositions have won various national and provincial awards, and the Peking Opera medley created for significant national performances has had a major impact domestically.

The Music Department boasts a team of excellent faculty members and regularly invites renowned experts and scholars from home and abroad to give lectures and teach. With an open educational philosophy, the department has established close ties with numerous arts institutions both domestically and internationally. Graduates of the Music Department are spread across the country, with many becoming pillars of the national music community.

In recent years, the Music Department has focused on developing graduate education, with an emphasis on building a discipline system for cultivating high-end Chinese opera music talent. Looking ahead, the Music Department will continue to strengthen its unique development orientation, enhance basic research in music theory, advance research in Chinese opera music composition, actively explore the development principles of Chinese opera music, and construct a theoretical system for Chinese opera music. The department aims to serve the nationwide Chinese opera music creation and promote the systematic, scientific, modern, and international development of Chinese opera art, thereby advancing the comprehensive development of the music discipline.